Huma Abedin asks judge to consider son in Anthony Weiner sentence

Anthony Weiner’s soon-to-be ex wife said she “never imagined” she’d be living a life tangled by a tawdry sexting scandal — but her 5-year-old son shouldn’t pay the price.

“This is not a letter I ever imagined I would write, but, with Anthony, I have repeatedly found myself in circumstances I never imagined,” Huma Abedin wrote to the federal court judge who will sentence the disgraced pol on Sept. 25.

“I am devastated by Anthony’s actions, and I understand he must face their consequences.”

She made it clear she was writing a loving mom, not a lovelorn ex.

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“Anthony and I have a wonderful son,” wrote Abedin, a 41-year-old longtime aide to Hillary Clinton.

“It is for (him) that I write this letter,” she said in a heavily redacted letter, presumably referring to their son, Jordan.

“Whatever else Anthony has done, he loves (Jordan),” Abedin wrote. “As would any parent, if there has to be any negative impact on (Jordan) I would like it to be a (sic) small as possible.”

Weiner, whose 2013 political comeback was derailed by revelations he’d been sending raunchy messages to a woman named Sydney Leathers under the pseudonym “Carlos Danger,” admitted on May 19 to transmitting obscene material to a 15-year-old girl.

SEE IT: Weiner, Abedin request private divorce trial from judge

Under Weiner’s plea deal, prosecutors said a sentence of between 21 and 27 months in prison is appropriate, but he could face as many as 10 years in prison under the law.

Still, his lawyers on Wednesday asked Manhattan Federal Judge Denise Cote to sentence him to probation only, claiming he has an illness but “is no predator.”

“Simply put, no one wants to be Anthony Weiner — he is a national pariah,” his lawyers said. “Prison is not needed to deter people from following Anthony’s path. Anthony does a fine job of this himself.

They submitted dozens of letters from Weiner’s supporters, claiming he’s a man of good character, in spite of his creepy cyber-cheating.

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Abedin, who filed for divorce the same day Weiner pleaded guilty, penned a letter to Cote, largely on behalf of Jordan.

“I will do anything I think will help (redacted) be as safe, happy, healthy, and complete as possible,” she wrote, asking the court to take this into consideration “as it weighs all it has to in considering Anthony’s sentence.”

In Weiner’s own letter to the judge, he said his remorse for endangering the girl’s well-being is “profound.”

“My continued acting out over years crushed the aspirations of my wife and ruined our marriage,” he wrote.

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“I am so deeply sorry for the harm I have done to her, and I live with the sorrow that I will never be able to fix that.”

He said “the one perfect thing in my life — my son — will forever have to answer questions about the public and private failings of his father.”


Anthony Weiner’s sexting scandals

Weiner, an ex-congressman who had City Hall ambitions, said “regret keeps me awake at night and fills me with fear from the moment I awaken.

“There are daily, even hourly, reminders of my failings. I can’t imagine ever not feeling regret.”

Weiner said that he hadn’t spent “more than three days in a row” apart from his son until he entered rehab.

“Even as my demons took over part of my mind, the rest was focused so intensely on him,” he wrote. “The only honest and true part of me was my love for him and my desire to make sure he was safe and loved completely.

“I would tell myself, if I get this right then all the rest of my mess can be forgiven. If I loved him enough and gave him an amazing childhood, then at least one person will love me throughout,” he pleaded.

“But I was wrong … I regret it so much it makes me shake just to write this.”

Weiner’s mother, father and brother offered supportive letters as well, largely focusing on him as a good dad despite family turmoil in his youth.

“I was very concerned and watchful for any possible effects on my grandson, whom I have spent at least one day a week with since his birth,” Fran Weiner said in her handwritten letter. “What I have seen is that Anthony is an extraordinarily loving and attentive parent has always dealt with (Jordan) with sensitivity and determination not to repeat his parents’ mistakes…”

When Weiner became a dad, his brother Jason Weiner confessed to being “worried about how that may turn out.”

But Jason Weiner attested to the judge that “as it turned out, Anthony is an amazing dad. Maybe the best I know.”

Many of Weiner’s other supporters have redacted their names, but they include former interns and employees.

John Feal, a 9/11 first responder and advocate for survivors, wrote under his name, touting Weiner’s work on their behalf.

Feal called Weiner “a friend who again used poor judgment and allowed his decision making to basically ruin his promising career, his personal life & his family.”

Weiner’s sick habit came to light on May 27, 2011, when he accidentally tweeted a photo of himself in underwear.

The release of salacious messages that followed shortly thereafter led to his resignation from Congress on June 16, 2011.

His 2013 bid for New York City mayor was tanked after Leathers, his sexting partner, outed their exchanges.

In early 2016, when his online relationship with the teen began, he was also chatting explicitly with “at least” 19 other adult women, his lawyers said.

huma abedin
anthony weiner
sex crimes
crimes against children

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